
Monday, May 27, 2013

Red Hats Purple Chaps Jamboree 2012

The Red Hats Purple Chaps Jamboree in April of 2012 was held at Midwest Trail Ride in Norman, Indiana.  RHPC is a group of horse crazy little girls who have grown up into women who are still horse crazy.  Jamboree is a once a year celebration of friendship and fun with our horses.

Our course Kathy, Rio, Mary Ann and Flash had to be there.  Jeff Ellington was generous and pampered us with the use of the family motor home, the Taj Mahal of camping.

The motor home was ALMOST big enough for the horses, too.

Kathy was in charge of the Fun Show and it was FUN!  It required a lot of laughter.  Mary Ann was the helper.

After dinner we had a wine hunt in the dark.  There were mini bottles and a couple of big bottles of wine. 
Mary Ann found one of the big bottles in a mail box obstacle at the round pen.  We drank it the next night at the corn hole game in the dining hall.  It lasted about a minute.

We went trail riding every day with the boys.  They love a nice walk in the woods.  The trails are very hilly, so we never push them.  Trails at MTR also join the equine trails in the Hoosier National Forest.  A $35.00 DNR horse tag is all you need for the whole year.

 I think the RHPC Jamboree is going to be at Midwest Trail Ride this year.  We hope so!

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